Showing posts with label One Direction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label One Direction. Show all posts

Thursday, November 21, 2013


I need to have a little writing sesh here.  I have been holding in all of my feelings for the what, 2 days (I think) that Midnight Memories has been leaked.  In case you didn't know what I am talking about, Midnight Memories is One Direction's new album.  I have to say, I think the fandom is divided.  I have seen so many fans hating on the ones who decided to listen to the leaked album and etc etc.  I have to say, I am not ashamed for listening to the album.  I DO feel for the boys because I know they worked so hard on this album.  But, with that being said, I have already pre-ordered the album.  I paid for the just was supposed to be accessible to me next week instead of now.  I am beyond words with how I feel about each and every song.  It honestly just solidifies my love and passion for this band.  I know a lot of people think I am absolutely nuts for how I feel about a "boy" band, but to me, they are so much more than that.  I love music and I just can't explain how much I have loved everything they have done throughout their career.  I have always said they have done things right from the beginning and I still believe that deep down in my heart.  Everything they do is a smash in my eyes, fans have so much to look forward to.  Each step they take, things keep getting better.  I honestly believe that this album shows their growth and progression in their music as they are maturing as young men and artists.   I love how they have taken on more of their soft rock sound and mixed it with a bit of folk vibes while keeping a dash of pop in their songs.  I think people would be shocked to know that the songs on the album were One Direction songs.  I also absolutely love that they boys all took part in writing majority of the songs on the album.  Some people aren't meant for writing songs, which makes me even more proud that they created pure magic to my ears.  I just wanted to write a little post about how much I love this album and how I think people should give them more credit for being talented, hard working and charming lads.  Check out the album, it is on sale November 25th :) or if you really wanted a taste of what the album sounds like, its all over the internet. lol ok that was my little rant hahaha

Lots of love,

Aimee xx

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Hey all you beautiful people! case you haven't seen, I have started a YouTube channel!  I am trying my best to stay on a weekly upload schedule of a new video every Wednesday.  YouTube so far has been a great creative outlet for me to be able to express myself and just do something different.  When you are a working woman sometimes it is very easy to just get very complacent and just stick to certain activities.  You do the same thing day in and day out and you almost begin to accept the fact that your life is much different from when you were more of a "free spirit" during your younger days.  I am trying my best to put a fight against having a routine, boring life.  I used to be so fearless and I have wondered why that part of me has changed so much.  I can understand a little bit because with age I have become a little bit wiser (at least I like to think I have), but I want to bring the FUN back into Aimee.  :)

Here are my videos that I have not posted here on my blog in case you would like to check them out!  I appreciate your support!

If you wanna know my August Favorites (this is my oldest unlinked video sorry!), watch the video below!

My friend, Mary, and I got together for a fun day of cruising around Santa Barbara and we also watched One Direction's This Is Us together!  If you love One Direction, this fangirl video is for you!

Here's my favorite things that I enjoyed last month!  Yay for finding products that end up being amazing!

I know so many YouTubers have reviewed the Revlon Matte & Lacquer Balms, but I decided to just show you how to create a simple face to go along with any of the pigmented colors.

Please let me know what you think about my videos!  I will gladly welcome any comments whether they are positive, constructive criticism, or you just stopping by to say hello!

Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend and until next time.....

Aimee xx

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

November Favorites!

Hey guys!
Heres the link to the video I made for my favorites for November!

Happy watching! Tell me what you guys think and also I'd love to hear what your favorite products for November have been!


Aimee XO

P.S. Don't laugh at the video LOL, It's all for fun :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

October Favorites!

Hey all! Just wanted to let you guys know that I posted my first ever "real" YouTube video!  It's on my October Favorites and hopefully you guys like it!  

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

XO, Aimee

Monday, June 11, 2012

Up All Night Tour 2012: Stay Classy San Diego

June 8, 2012 was seriously probably one of the most memorable nights that I have ever experienced.  I was lucky enough to be able to go to One Direction's concert at the Viejas Stadium in San Diego.  Back in March when the tickets went on pre-sale I was beyond ecstatic about them going on tour in the US.  I was so shocked when they announced the tour and literally like 3 days later the tickets went on sale.  Anyways, the day the tickets went on sale (pre-sale let me remind you), I actually had a big job interview.  Not only did I have a big moment to concentrate on, but my interview was at 3:30pm and the tickets went on sale at 4pm.  I was kinda freaking out because I wanted to buy the tickets right away when they went on sale, but I pretty much came to the conclusion that I needed to prioritize and focus on my interview.  If I happened to be finished with the interview in time, then I was able to buy the tickets.  I was kinda leaving everything up to fate I guess, whatevers meant to be is meant to be.  Well, I had an awesome interview ( I ended up getting the job) and best part about it is that I was finished at 3:55pm on the dot.  I couldn't believe it.  I live super close by and I rushed home to buy the tickets.  I originally was trying to buy tickets for a specific show in San Jose because that was the date my boss was going to allow my friend, Heidi, and I to go.  Well again, this was a freaking PRE-SALE and I sat down right at 4pm when they went on sale and let me tell you, I had no idea what I was in for.  I sat there for an hour of solid entering in the pre-sale code and refreshing the page over and over.  I was literally calling Heidi and I was starting to tear up, I was so frustrated.  I was kicking myself because I was finally able to get tickets for the San Jose show, but the seats were horrible.  I let the seats go and then it wasn't for an hour until I was able to actually get tickets, and that was by chance.  I was seriously about to give up and really kick myself for giving those tickets up, so I just tried for the San Diego show.  Just on a whim.  And what happened? I got tickets.  Not just tickets, but AWESOME TICKETS.

Fast forward to the actually concert day :)  We finally got to the concert and there was just a sea of girls everywhere. Whenever a girl screamed, girls would sprint to where the scream came from to see what was going on (we did this hahaha it was hard not to!!). Anyways, we got our official one direction merchandise :) and then we had to wait in the sea of girls to get in. We finally got in and it was so funny because Heidi went in first and we just kept getting closer, and closer and closer. Each step Heidi was getting more excited and that was making me start to get really hyped inside. Our seats were beyond amazing. Remind you that I had been trying for an hour and was about to lose all hope. It was just such an awesome and surreal moment knowing they would be so close. Camryn and Olly Murs were the opening acts and even though I had never heard them before, they had great energy. We sat and just listened though because we wanted to save our energy and our voices for one direction :). When they finally were about to go on stage I saw Harry and I freakeddddddd out! I absolutely couldn't believe what was about to happen. All the videos, tv appearances, pictures online, in blogs, and in magazines and finally they were going to be right THERE on THAT stage. UNREAL! The show started and they were on stage for about an hour and 20 mins or so. Honestly that was unbelievable. They played 13 of the 15 songs plus they sang some covers. Their voices sounded so wonderful and you definitely know they didn't/don't lip synch because Harry changed the lyrics :) instead of singing "I can see you holding back those tears, tears..." he said beards, beards :) it was so adorable. That's why I believe they have had such great success in such a short amount of time. They were showing who they are the entire show. They were messing around and being playful with each other. They are such real personalities and you just fall in love with them. Another reason why i adore this band so much is because its about time that we had a group of young males empowering girls in accepting and loving who they are i dont know if its because they are european and they just have a different attitude about them, but they honestly are so great for not just young girls, but all women. Im constantly reading quotes and interviews and in their songs talking about how every girl is beautiful it just sends such a positive message. In a world where image is everything, its important to know and remember we should all love ourselves and see the beauty we each have to offer from the inside out. Most people think im crazy when i say these things, but i believe it to be very true.

The concert was so light, fun and just freaking happiness! It was the best experience I've had in a long time, maybe ever? Hahaha definitely my favorite concert so far that I've gone to. On a side note, I applaud them for making the Up All Night DVD. It's awesome because aside from the other cover they did, the twitter questions and of course the dialogue in between songs, it is almost the same concert exactly. It gives fans a chance to experience the concert too for those who weren't able to get tickets. They sold out so fast but in my opinion, I honestly feel like they care about being accessible to fans. Yes I know forms business side they are making tons off of it, but at least it gives everyone a chance to relive the magic :)

Well.... Hope you all felt the One Direction love :) until next time.....

Always a Directioner :),


Monday, February 13, 2012

Yes, I Love Justin Bieber and One Direction

Great title don't you think?  I would say so.  

I am one of those people who some think is never going to grow up based on the simple fact of what type of music I listen to.  People can be very judgmental, honestly.  I am such a "Teeny Bopper", always have been and I don't care if I always will be.  But I don't just like one type of music.  I love hip-hop, r&b; I like a little bit of everything!  I grew up listening to some of my favorites: The Bacsktreet Boys, Nsync, 98 Degrees, Britney Spears, Christina Augilera....the list could go on for the days.  These days, my favorites are the Biebs and One Direction.  I have been listening to Justin for years on YouTube and have been a fan since the beginning.  I have been to two of his concerts on his debut My World Tour and will continue to be a huge fan.  One Direction on the other hand, I have just discovered their amazingness.  They rose to fame through the X Factor in Europe and their debut album comes out next month and I am BEYOND excited!  While I absolutely adore Justin and One Direction, people get the wrong wrong idea.  I will not deny that I think they are all adorable and cute, people seem to think of me as a cougar and that I am seriously actually in love with these boys.  Love, like I would want to date them?  NO NO NO!!!!  People get your minds out of the gutter.  Here is one of the big reasons why I am drawn and love young acts; I am so inspired.  How could you not be by any young entertainer or person that has gone after their dreams?  These guys are like 18 and 19 and yet they have known what they wanted for their lives and chased after their dreams.  Instead of being like the most of us wishing we could do what we were really passionate about in our lives, they actually went after what they wanted.  These guys have all worked so so so hard to get to the point where they are at and it makes me reevaluate myself, in a constructive way.  I don't want to be that person that goes through life trying to do what I'm "supposed" to do, I want to do what I love everyday of my life.  I want to achieve things I never thought possible and I don't want to hold back.  I definitely recommend watching Justin Bieber's movie Never Say Never.  I know there are a lot of haters out there, but there are also millions of Bieliebers out there supporting him.  I don't care if you like him or not, watch the movie and give him a chance.  You will walk away truly inspired at his hard work, dedication, motivation and drive.  It is one of the most beautiful movies I have seen and in my opinion, I can't see how anyone can walk away from it unchanged somehow.  One of the weirdest things I have said was give someone two years and you can become famous if you really want to.  Alex and I were randomly in my room trying to see how much a trip to Europe would potentially cost us and I blurted that out somewhere.  But I honestly believe it is so true.  If you want anything bad enough, you will and can find your way.  There are so many outlets, especially YouTube that can get you noticed.  Its just a matter of how much you want something.  Another thing that is inspiring is Zac Efron.  I have watched his career blossom and it is so awesome to see someone from a small area like this grow into the fame he has earned.  He grew up where I live and it really is such a small area, with no opportunity at all.  But he knew what he wanted and went after the goal, the dream.  That's honestly why I think so many people hate on these wonderful, young talents because they are envious of their raw guts.  I know I have kinda gone off on a tangent but I think you all get my point.  I love and support people that defy the odds, stay focused and live the life they want to live.  

I have been working on not procrastinating things and being more proactive with my time.  Things are getting better and I hope that new things will open up for me soon.  I am starting to get restless, there is so much that I want to accomplish and I need to remember to not think, just do :)

Sorry for the lack of posts lately.  I just needed to find some inspiration behind my writing :) Hopefully everyone had an amazing weekend and that the week starts off great!

Until next time.....

Aims XO