This is the best thing I have done all week! And you only need two ingredients in order to make this awesome makeup remover! I saw Michelle Phan's tutorial on how to make your own makeup remover on YouTube and I was so excited to try it for myself. I found the aloe vera water at CVS for only $1.49 I think. It definitely wasn't over $2. I already had extra virgin olive oil at home so I didn't need to buy that. I emptied a little bit of the aloe vera water out and then added some of the extra virgin olive oil. You only need a little bit. When you are ready to use your new makeup remover, all you have to do is shake up your bottle and quickly take a cotton pad, soaking it with your mixture. And voila! That's it! Now how well does it work exactly? Well, just for fun, I piled on the makeup on to my face. I soaked the cotton pad and my makeup came off right away with one swipe. I had some pretty thick gel liner on as well and I was impressed with how it took such little effort for it to come off. I also was doing some swatches of some heavy duty staying power cream shadows earlier as well and the long lasting cream shadows came off of my hand in one swipe as well. You can't beat results like this or the price! I now have this huge container of makeup remover that will last me at least 6 months if not more. For a grand total of only about $2! I definitely recommend for anyone to try this easy DIY makeup remover.
Hope everyone had a great Friday the 13th! :)
Until tomorrow.....
Aimee XO