Showing posts with label new years resolutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new years resolutions. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's A New Year!

Happy 2012 everyone!  I know I'm a little late on that, but better now than never!  I feel like everyone says this every year, but this past year I have no idea where it went.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years.  This Christmas, I had to work over the holiday and to my surprise, I had a great time.  That sentence doesn't even seem real, but it was.  Sometimes if you enjoy the people you are working with, it can make you forget about time.  My sister and her husband came home to visit for a split second it seemed like.  They were only home for 4 days, 2 of which I had to work.  I don't get to see them much, and you better believe I treasured every moment I had.  It's hard having her live halfway across the country, but it definitely makes you realize how precious the visits you get are.  As far as New Years went, I went out to dinner with my roomie and we watched one of our favorites, Friends With Benefits. Easy, calm night.  Just the way I like it most of the time.

I have been trying to work on my time management skills lately.  One thing that I am now really excited about is that Blogger has an iPhone app and I am able to write blog posts from my phone!  This is awesome because now I can blog virtually anywhere and it will be easier for me to keep up with my posts.  Blogging is something that I love to do and so I am going to devote my spare time into writing.  I have said this before, I do this because I love to write and I want to share what I think with others.  I obviously hope that my words will reach as many people as possible, but I am still completely satisfied if only a few people take something away from my blogs.

So here is also something that I am going to be working on this new year: a new lifestyle.  I know that one of the most popular/cliche new years resolutions is to eat healthy and lose weight.  Bla bla bla and all that jazz.  But seriously, it is something that I need to do.  Last year I lost about 30 pounds and it was one of the most challenging things that I have ever done in my life.  It took so much dedication, motivation, mental and physical strength and self control.  All of these things don't come easy, especially with weight loss.  Since I started my job last March, I have packed on the pounds a lot faster than I ever thought I would.  I mean, that's just the way it naturally happens.  You don't realize where you are at until it is wayyyyy too late.  I am and have been a tennis player all of my life and I have always kept up on staying active, until lately.  I love to walk my dog on the beach, but that has been pretty much the full extent of my regime lately.  If there is anything that I want to do it  is to get back to my college days of playing tennis.  Tennis is my heart and soul.  I want to get back to playing tournaments and get in the best shape of my life again.  But it is time to take control of my life once again.  I know it will be a challenge, but I am prepared to do so.  This time, I am not alone.  My sister and I are doing this together and then I will have whoever reads my blogs to hold me accountable for my progress and actions.  It is extremely intimidating for me to be writing about my journey, but I think that is what blogging is kinda all about; putting yourself out there.  That's what I love so much about reading blogs, is that you feel like you can get to know the person.  You can relate to what they are going through, what they like etc. It's amazing and hopefully someone is motivated by what I write.

One thing that my sister and I are going to do is write down everything that we ate for the day.  Here is what I had today:


half jalepeno bagel
jalepeno pretzel


Olive Garden leftovers
handful of chips and salsa

What does this menu show me?  Well, that I love carbs! Duh! What human doesn't?  Honestly, today I was really not all that hungry.  I kinda just forgot to eat halfway through the day.  Just one of those days.  It also shows me that I need to be eating protein!  In my leftovers there were two small bites of chicken, but that was it as far as protein goes.  So, tomorrow, I will try and incorporate more protein and vegetables into my meals for the day!  Today I also didn't do any exercise, not even a walk.  I know, bad.  But its all about making improvements, right?  Tomorrow I will play tennis in the morning so I am looking forward to that very much.

Hope you enjoyed this post and I look forward to you all reading about my journey.
Until tomorrow :)
